Guideline for Students (2024 ver.)

1.開催日時・場所(Date and place)

  毎週木曜日13:10~ 理学研究科大講義棟  (H-32)

        From 13:10 on every Thuesday; Science Lecture Hall (H-32)


2.参加について (Attendant obligation)

  学部・修士 (Bachelor and Masters students): 必須(Essential)

  博士(PhD students): 任意(Required)


3.発表回数(Required number of presentation)

  学部(Bachlor) :6セメ1回以上,7セメ1回以上の計2回以上

            More than one time both in the 6th and 7th semesters

                                       More than twice in total

  修士(Master):年1回以上(More than once per year)

  博士(PhD) :年1回以上(More than once per year)


4.発表要旨の提出(Submission of abstract)

 各回の発表者は,発表日の6日前(前週金曜日)までに要旨を作成し,各年度のセミナー担当教員にメールで送信する(2024年度は山田:tsutomu.yamada.a1 (at) “(at)を@に変更”).要旨には図を最大2枚含める.また,英語のタイトルを併記する.

 All the speakers must submit your abstract to the PIC (YAMADA Tsutomu (tsutomu.yamada.a1 (at) in the 2024 fiscal year) by e-mail. The deadline for the abstract submission is 6 days before (it means the previous Friday) when you plan to talk. One or two pages of text with up to 2 figures are required.


5.発表内容について(Notes on your talk)


Bachler: The paper provided by the  teacher in charge should be carefully read, and is  summarized  about the essentail points of Inroduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions.



Master: Current topics on your research fields should be  explained to the point from more than two papers which were published in recent five years.


博士・教員(PhD students and staff):自由 (Any topic is fine).各スライドのタイトル・図のキャプションなどには英語を併記する.


【スライド作成時のお願い(A request for showing slide numbers)】


(To designate the slide easily during the Q&A, please put slide numbers at some parts of each slide)


6.発表時間について(Length of your talk)  時間厳守(Be pnuctual!)


学部(Bachelor):発表15分,質疑応答10分(15 min talk plus 10 min Q&A)

修士(Master):発表15分,質疑応答10分(15 min talk plus 10 min Q&A)

博士(PhD) :発表30分,質疑応答10分(30 min talk plus 10 min Q&A)



   学部のセミナー係が行う(Bachelor students in charge ).


8.集中講義期間中のセミナーについて(In the case of a special seminar)

集中講義期間中のセミナーの時間帯は,講師の先生に発表をしていただく.その際は,セミナー参加者全員が聴講する.(All the students who have a duty to attend at the seminar must listen any special talk).



 (Defence talks by bachelor, master, and doctor students; and the formal preliminary presentation on their studies)

     原則,全員参加(All members must attend to their defense)



  (Absence of the seminar: only for bachelor and master’s students)


2024年度の連絡先:山田(tsutomu.yamada.a1(at) (at)を@にしてください)

If you need to be absent from the IGPS zoom seminar, please e-mail to a staff in charge of the seminar (tsutomu.yamada.a1(at) in 2024:replace (at) to @) beforehand.